Thursday, August 13, 2009

On the Road-Portland OR

Portland's streets are often covered with begging teens with cardboard signs saying things like TRAVELING, BROKE, AND HUNGRY and suvh edding down for the night on the street. Their are a few old people also begging. There is a young man in this city who gets on and offthe light rail trying to sell candy bars. There is aparently a significant Hispanic population as all the public transportation announcements in English, than Sanishhh.and atleast 2 tv stations are in Spanish.

JAPANESE GARDENS-this is an exremely peaceful place with the sounds of running water going throughout the gardens. Muted bells and soft music add to the serenity of the green gardens with murky ponds to reflect the vegetation. The trees are trained to go in ways to symbolize welcome or woman, etc. Certain prayer stones and evil stones and flat garden of raked stones and to the majestic area.

OREGON MUEUM OF HISTORY- Shows the development ofOregon and how the poor and drougt plaqued farmers took to the Oregon with ideas of free fertile land and inexhustable salmon and pelts, timber,and mining.

CLAYMATION- There is a temporary exibit about Oregonian Wll Winton. This fellow in college began working with simple modeling clay to create animations. While clay had een used in early animation film but was given up in favor of the 2 dimmensional animations. Fils of how he creates the character from molds, creates the body movement, and reates the dialog are great.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joan,

    I'm loving hearing about your travels! Got the eraser from the Shakespeare festival yesterday morning....Out, Damned spot, Out, I Say!

