Saturday, August 15, 2009

On the Road-Columbia River Gorge

BFriday August 14

Hiked to Multnomah Falls- The paved trail with 11 switchbacks climbed up with a beautiful almost shear drop on one side with visions of the great river and the mountains to look at. You see the Falls at various heights. There are many waterfalls along here due to the power of the river water breaking through and etching crevices in the mountain rocks and flowing down. We have now begun the old people on a trail and people pass us.

Bonneville Dam-This is an enormous project by the army corps of engineers. The water comes in strongly anyway and they use giant turbines to turn the water and generate the power. The turbines use magnetic forces to build a high power level and resisters contain the power as it is delivered to individual users. They are mindul of their fish--salmon- and have devised new turbines less likely to catch juvenile fish and at a vulnerable spot on the trail for the fish, the Dam slides hem covered to a spot where seabirds are less likely to get at them. There are a large number of fish ladders (60?) all about a foot and half higher than the one before to
allow the salmon to swim upstream. Since the fish like to stay low in the water, you can't really see them by looking down at the steps so the Dam has built windows underground that allow visitors to view all of the salmon.

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