Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On the Road;Yellowstone Natl. Park-Getting Here

Yellowstone National Park
September 6, 2009

Trip from Glacier to Yellowstone
We got an early start to leave Glacier as Yellowstone turns out to be 625 miles away and we had a room booked for tonight. We began driving across Montana on the highways. On and on we drove and there was nothing on either side of the road but grass, some fences, occasional cows. At last we came to a rest stop. At the entrance to the little park was a sign “Stay on Sidewalks. Rattlesnakes have been spotted.” David made very good time on the roads. A lot of time he could go 70 or 75 and sometimes he passed slower motorists.

The first sign of residences or businesses was around Helena, the capital. We stopped for lunch at a Burger King and it appeared to be crowded with people coming from church. At the booth next to ours was a couple of great grandparents with 3 very young ones of a granddaughter(who is just turning 21 years old) and a granddaughter(aunt to the little ones who is 9 nine years old). After lunch they were going to picture appointments at the Wal-Mart next door.

Arrival at Yellowstone

We arrived at Yellowstone at a little after 3 p.m. but after waiting for a ranger to give us information and going to the hotel for more information, we found out that our cabin was another hour and a half away. On the way we saw large fields of ice and steam from geysers rising into the air. We were stopped on the road by some inconsiderate visitors who stopped their cars to apparently look at bears. We did not see the bears but we did see two enormous bison grazing by the side of the road as we neared our destination. Our cabin was at the end of some cabins that felt like the middle of nowhere but we were pleasantly surprised to see that the cabin had been remodeled into an attractive western cabin with a nice new bathroom. For folks who like the feeling of no internet, no cell phone connection, no radio or tv this is wonderful but I feel insecure.

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